Edelweiss MF SIP Campaign 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Nippon India Arbitrage Gr Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 25.953
24-02-2025 25.9405
21-02-2025 25.9563
20-02-2025 25.948
19-02-2025 25.9431
18-02-2025 25.9448
17-02-2025 25.9197
14-02-2025 25.9232
13-02-2025 25.9139
12-02-2025 25.9057
11-02-2025 25.9002
10-02-2025 25.8972
07-02-2025 25.8949
06-02-2025 25.8838
05-02-2025 25.8807
04-02-2025 25.8721
03-02-2025 25.8611
31-01-2025 25.8535
30-01-2025 25.8336
29-01-2025 25.8449
28-01-2025 25.8254
27-01-2025 25.8297
24-01-2025 25.8224
23-01-2025 25.7963
22-01-2025 25.7988
21-01-2025 25.801
20-01-2025 25.7919
17-01-2025 25.7903
16-01-2025 25.7816
15-01-2025 25.7791
14-01-2025 25.759
13-01-2025 25.776
10-01-2025 25.7724
09-01-2025 25.7407
08-01-2025 25.7458
07-01-2025 25.7492
06-01-2025 25.748
03-01-2025 25.7329
02-01-2025 25.7115
01-01-2025 25.7078
31-12-2024 25.6963
30-12-2024 25.6692
27-12-2024 25.6778
26-12-2024 25.6721
24-12-2024 25.658
23-12-2024 25.6666
20-12-2024 25.6603
19-12-2024 25.6299
18-12-2024 25.6385
17-12-2024 25.6174
16-12-2024 25.6169
13-12-2024 25.6119
12-12-2024 25.6009
11-12-2024 25.5939
10-12-2024 25.5983
09-12-2024 25.5946
06-12-2024 25.5781
05-12-2024 25.5964
04-12-2024 25.5897
03-12-2024 25.5835
02-12-2024 25.5477
29-11-2024 25.542
28-11-2024 25.5304
27-11-2024 25.5426
26-11-2024 25.5525
25-11-2024 25.5362
22-11-2024 25.5494
21-11-2024 25.5457
19-11-2024 25.5357
18-11-2024 25.5155
14-11-2024 25.5094
13-11-2024 25.4863
12-11-2024 25.5
11-11-2024 25.4833
08-11-2024 25.4859
07-11-2024 25.4615
06-11-2024 25.4482
05-11-2024 25.4598
04-11-2024 25.4447
31-10-2024 25.4119
30-10-2024 25.414
29-10-2024 25.4131
28-10-2024 25.4119
25-10-2024 25.405
24-10-2024 25.383
23-10-2024 25.3817
22-10-2024 25.3819
21-10-2024 25.3942
18-10-2024 25.3385
17-10-2024 25.353
16-10-2024 25.3403
15-10-2024 25.3463
14-10-2024 25.3355
11-10-2024 25.3337
10-10-2024 25.3237
09-10-2024 25.3283
08-10-2024 25.3022
07-10-2024 25.2803
04-10-2024 25.2939
03-10-2024 25.2499
01-10-2024 25.2524
30-09-2024 25.2566
27-09-2024 25.2361
26-09-2024 25.247
25-09-2024 25.259
24-09-2024 25.2464
23-09-2024 25.2545
20-09-2024 25.2482
19-09-2024 25.2201
18-09-2024 25.2345
17-09-2024 25.2257
16-09-2024 25.21
13-09-2024 25.2197
12-09-2024 25.214
11-09-2024 25.2139
10-09-2024 25.2055
09-09-2024 25.1977
06-09-2024 25.2002
05-09-2024 25.1721
04-09-2024 25.1736
03-09-2024 25.1655
02-09-2024 25.1636
30-08-2024 25.1344
29-08-2024 25.1229
28-08-2024 25.1449
27-08-2024 25.1397
26-08-2024 25.1286
23-08-2024 25.1303
22-08-2024 25.114
21-08-2024 25.1028
20-08-2024 25.1072
19-08-2024 25.099
16-08-2024 25.0913
14-08-2024 25.0867
13-08-2024 25.0917
12-08-2024 25.073
09-08-2024 25.0573
08-08-2024 25.0656
07-08-2024 25.0354
06-08-2024 25.046
05-08-2024 25.0425
02-08-2024 25.0495
01-08-2024 25.0175
31-07-2024 24.9984
30-07-2024 25.001
29-07-2024 25.0031
26-07-2024 25.0007
25-07-2024 24.9897
24-07-2024 24.9907
23-07-2024 24.9856
22-07-2024 24.9855
19-07-2024 24.9873
18-07-2024 24.9535
16-07-2024 24.9495
15-07-2024 24.9304
12-07-2024 24.946
11-07-2024 24.9168
10-07-2024 24.9208
09-07-2024 24.909
08-07-2024 24.9067
05-07-2024 24.8948
04-07-2024 24.8943
03-07-2024 24.8878
02-07-2024 24.8797
01-07-2024 24.8594
28-06-2024 24.8548
27-06-2024 24.8555
26-06-2024 24.8493
25-06-2024 24.855
24-06-2024 24.8371
21-06-2024 24.8437
20-06-2024 24.8299
19-06-2024 24.8243
18-06-2024 24.8131
14-06-2024 24.8124
13-06-2024 24.8018
12-06-2024 24.7927
11-06-2024 24.7836
10-06-2024 24.8068
07-06-2024 24.781
06-06-2024 24.7641
05-06-2024 24.7853
04-06-2024 24.7894
03-06-2024 24.7122
31-05-2024 24.7034
30-05-2024 24.7067
29-05-2024 24.6749
28-05-2024 24.6633
27-05-2024 24.6707
24-05-2024 24.6779
23-05-2024 24.6759
22-05-2024 24.6679
21-05-2024 24.6506
17-05-2024 24.6599
16-05-2024 24.6394
15-05-2024 24.6315
14-05-2024 24.6112
13-05-2024 24.604
10-05-2024 24.6105
09-05-2024 24.5991
08-05-2024 24.5889
07-05-2024 24.6026
06-05-2024 24.5833
03-05-2024 24.5534
02-05-2024 24.5305
30-04-2024 24.5655
29-04-2024 24.5466
26-04-2024 24.5288
25-04-2024 24.5235
24-04-2024 24.5453
23-04-2024 24.5465
22-04-2024 24.5315
19-04-2024 24.5513
18-04-2024 24.5307
16-04-2024 24.5172
15-04-2024 24.507
12-04-2024 24.495
10-04-2024 24.4873
09-04-2024 24.4819
08-04-2024 24.4788
05-04-2024 24.4739
04-04-2024 24.4534
03-04-2024 24.4355
02-04-2024 24.4083
01-04-2024 24.4064
31-03-2024 24.3961
28-03-2024 24.3947
27-03-2024 24.3779
26-03-2024 24.3285

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